So as promised I now give you the rest of my summer recap!!!
July: worked, Adri's bday party was goodtimes all around, saw Batman with the pops opening day and then saw it the next day with my Dwayne{it was tht good}, saw Stepbrothers, worked some more, got back together with Dwayne officially,Dwayne left for the Cayman Islands, churched it, hood functioned on Normabdie{never again},nd just chilled.,br>
August:Worked, shopped a bit, saw Stepbrothers again with Adri nd Aleximus, saw Pineapple Express with the crew, chilled at Denny's 3am, had a relaxing day with Dwayne at the big sis' beach condo, bonfire with LaBella, boo loved on the beach at nite, worked some more, churched some more, dinner with the big sis, hung with the baby cuz Amanda nd my Aunt Margie,took my nephew Allen to the park with my sis nd my cuz,celebrated my 21st bday!!!!, had a bday dinner with the fam, had a Cadillac Margarita as my first legal drink, went bday shopping with Dwayne, Lil sis left for Fresno with the parentals, packed for school, got my apt, worked again, had a bday/goin away kickback at the crib, dnt remember most of the kickback{lol}, shed some tears, spent my last day with Dwayne, shed some more tears,nd left for ATL August 24, 2008.
So dear Summer 08 wasn't as bad as I thought it was looking back on it. I made the most of it. I laughed all the time, smiled almost everyday, worked hard, spent plenty of time with the ones I love, and enjoyed life. Hopefully this won't be the last carefree summer I have but if it was worth it.
Until next time!
Summer 08...The End.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Last Summer As A Undergrad...
Where in the hell did the time gooooooooo?????
Summer 2008...wat can I say? It was the best of was the worst of times...
As I'm only a few hrs away being back in ATL for my SENIOR year of college, I can't help but look back on all the memories I've made this summer and in summers past...I'm gonna miss the days of easy living...but the memory of those moments shall never fade...
Check back later for a recap and shoutouts.
LA...c u in December.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 1:32 AM 0 comments
It's My Birthday....BITCH!
Thts right...I'm the big 2-1 2day! No longer will I have somebody else buy my liquor! LOL...thanx 2 ebery1 tht has wished me a happy one so far...keep em coming! LoL...I truly appreciate the love!
On another is it tht it's MY BIRTHDAY and my family all decides 2 irritate me within the 1st hour...and I didn't even get home till 12:30am! I shoulda bought me a drank so I'd b numb to their shit by now.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Guess What Station I'll Be Watching This Fall...
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
Eli Stone
Pushing Daisies
Dirty Sexy Money
Ugly Betty
Brothers and Sisters
...let's just say I'll be watching/taping a whole lotta ABC this season:).
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:32 AM 1 comments
It's August!!!!!'s been awhile...wat can I say...I've been busy.
Sooooo...I think I'ma give u guys the rest of my summer update when I return 2 the ATL in a couple of weeks.
This summer went by 2 freakin fast!
Look out 4 pics on the 21st bday!!!!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 1:29 AM 0 comments