Play this as u read foo! Lol.
We've come
so far
Stars looking up at you baby.
My heart
belongs right here next to you baby
Where do I start?
Where should I begin?
Words cnt even express
But we're doin it again
You took my heart all those months ago
And my love for you still continues to grow
We've been through a lot 2gether
And you're still holdin me down
I get a smile on my face whenever you're around
I love to love you
And I hope things never change
My heart is in your hands
And I know tht you won't break it
Me and u?
Forever and a day?
I kno tht we can make it.
Soooo yeah...Lol...tht was corny as hell. But I wrote all tht to find an easier way to say...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE!!!! I know tht 2 months isn't a hard feat for us...we've been down this road before...but ur right...this time it's different. We're finally on the exact same page...and it feels goooooood. I love tht you kno me inside and out...and I kno yo ass. Lol. But anyways...I'm running outta words and you already kno how I feel...even though you don't mind hearing it again...*eye roll*. like you...I'ma let the songs do the talking...

I just threw up in my mouth a lil
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