"This cage right here nigga?????" Hahhahahahahahahaha
I Wish A Mofo Would...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Change...That's Wassup...
Remember them???
...Obama 4 yo mam.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:22 AM 0 comments
Tell Me Have You Seen Him...O Well!
Jay-Z diss...not against Jay at all but this is pretty funny...
....oh well!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 12:41 PM 0 comments
Skip all the way to 2:20...
Nd moms told me 2 look at this one...hahahahahahaha.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Retrospect For Life...
This is one of my fave songs...EVER...nd I kno I'm late...but I just find out there was a video...so now...I'm in love all over again! Lol.
Peep this...
I mean...it's 4 of my faves...Donny Hathaway...Stevie Wonder...Common...and Lauryn Hill...if you dnt kno...check ya history.
...tht is all.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:14 PM 0 comments
I'ma big music fan...my life is a soundtrack. I love the way music can say the words I cnt...or make me feel an emotion...or make every inch of my body feel it. I cnt tell you how many times I've sat n my room nd just let my music take me to another place...it's brought me to tears nd then back again...made me mad nd then smile again. Nd I love all types of music...from Dr. Dre all the way to Jason Mraz...there is nothing I wnt listen to. Shouts out to rappers in my hometown of LA aka "The Land of The Mixtape" ya"ll underground artists are really doin ur thing out there and puttin the "hip" back in "hip hop" keep up with the grind...ya'll gonna be big one day. So now...I'ma hit ya'll with "a Lil bit of this...nd a lil bit of that"...enjoy!
Nd of there are more songs...but I got tired. Lol.
Nd everyone who knows me knos how much I love this man...
...tht is all.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:23 PM 0 comments
I Bust the Windows Out Your Car...
...but it did not mend my broken heart...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Swagga Jackin...
So Adri posted this as a bulletin on Myspace...
Go to urbandictionary. com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.
(extra points if you answer any with "pajama snot")
1) Your name?
"a fun, outgoing person. generally smart but can be a total blonde at times. someone who likes meeting new people, and smiles a lot. a person who never would just turn on people. a very good friend. someone you can trust. when she's mad, stand clear she might blow her top. but a person who doesn't get mad easily so you dont have to worry about that."[so tru by the way...]
2) Your age?
"The magical age where it is legally ok to get incredibly drunk. At this time, a young adult spends most of his free time consuming vast amounts of alcohol in a variety of forms, saying that they're 'making up for lost years.'"
3) One of your friends?
"A name, which is commonly both a first or last name, which is very often confused with Brian. Its Irish roots define the name as "little king"."
4) What should you be doing?
"The act of smoking cannibis." [....ahahahahahahahahaha]
5) Favorite color?
"Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin."
6) Birthplace?
Los Angeles
Second-largest city in the United States, after New York City. Located in Southern California and home to about 9 million people in about 4 counties. One of the most (if not the most) diverse cities in the United States. The largest city in California and a major financial center for the Pacific Rim. Competes with New York City as the cultural capital of the United States; most movies and television shows are made in coordinated efforts between Los Angeles and New York, although most movie studios have their headquarters' in Los Angeles.
LA has about a billion suburbs that are essentially considered part of Los Angeles as a single city, although the city itself has only a population of some 3.7 million. Los Angeles is notorious for smog and gang-related crime; seperate inner-city working-class suburbs such as Compton or Long Beach have been made the subject of rap songs talking about the crime levels that have gained some notoriety and earned LA one of it's less-enviable titles as "the Gang Capital of the World".
Fortunately, the beautiful Pacific coastline and the numerous beaches and tropical climate offset some of the not-so-good parts of the city. LA also has an awesome music scene, a great clubbing sector, and countless appreciative cultural institutions such as the Getty Museum to visit that provide the city with a depth, culture and history that are enviable. It's an awesome city. Watch out for the traffic though.
7) Month of your birthday?
"The eigth month of the year characterized by cookouts and swimming! "
8) Last person you talked to?
Todd [how is he the last person we both talked to???? Tht nigga talks to much! Lol]
"Male displaying generic "frat-guy" behavior traits. Is not necessarily in an actual fraternity, or in college for that matter.
Constantly asserts his manliness through loud obnoxious boasts relating to topics that can include, but are not limited to, penis size, car size, how drunk he got/how many "bitches" were at/he had sex with at the party, bench pressing, and possibly irrational exaggerations with regard to extreme sports that he is, in reality, probably not that good at"
9) What did you last eat?
"a polite way of saying sex "
10) Your nickname?
"As the world is so overpopulated with Jennifers, we need to be able to distinguish the cool from the evil. The only acceptable abreviation for the cool Jennifers is Jenn. Jenny, Jen, Nifer and any other variations of Jennifer are hereby deemed stupid and will no longer be tolerated! Anyone still answering to any other variation will be recognised as evil and or a loser!
Linda: "Is that Jenny over there?"
Tim: *smacks Linda's face* "You mean Jenn right???"
Linda: *sobbing* "OMG I soooo meant to say Jenn!"
Tim: "It's okay, I won't tell Jenn what you called her! But only this once." [Lmao @ the example!]
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:26 PM 1 comments
Random #3...
Love this commercial....I swear the instrumental is sicker than the actual song...
My song as of right now...
I want this fone!!!! Curse Verizon!
Thank GOD for my moms...cuz of her I'll be absentee voting for Cali. And she said I should take care of myself.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Shoot Down The Stars...
"We break ourselves down
And build ourselves up with disappointment
How fragile we are
So fragile we are, we just don't show it
We'll shake up this town
And shoot down the stars for our enjoyment
So sexy we are
So sexy we are, we just don't know it"
Lately, i've been really feeling the affects of being "grown". I've seen me and my friends in some ways seperate...not because we no longer get along...but because the paths of life that we have chosen for ourselves is so different. I def thought my senior of college was gonna be full of fun, laughter, and good times with my girls. But slowly I'm starting to realize that school still is in session and we still have a grind to uphold. We hang when we can...but school, jobs, internships, and extracirriculars have definately put a damper on some plans.
Speaking for myself, I know that my life is doubled. Being a theater arts major is sooooo not as easy as everyone thinks it is. It basically means that you have a double life. You're a student/employee/intern during the day and an actor at night. Juggling homework and extracirrirculars are just something you learn how to do...and sometimes your friends and personal life get lost in the shuffle. Granted, I love being on stage and being in the theater...it's the student side I can't stand right now. I get the feeling that I'm not the only one out of my friends that feels this way.
I know that towards the endo of the semester and most def Spring Semester we'll have more time for get-to-gethers and girl talks...but sometimes I miss my sisters...the girls who were there and have been there for me since freshman year...I know we're all doin our thing...and doin it well I might add...but here's to us gettin the job done...and still making time for each other.
"So take a step back
And a breath in
Let it out now
Put your chin up
You can do it tiger
You a man now
And in your dream it's time to do the best you can now"

Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:25 PM 0 comments
Trading Places...
Usher's new single...I must admit...wasn't really a big fan of Here I Stand at first...but it's starting to grow on me...nd this song has always been a fav.
...hey babe..."we're trading places..." Lol. ;).
...2 fingers high...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:05 PM 0 comments