

"It has been days since she'd been laying on the floor. Her face pressed against the cold, hard tile of her bathroom floor was all she had at this point. Her roommate had come in two days ago and ran some water in her bathtub...but she was sure that the water was ice cold by now. She had stopped trying to turn her head a few days ago because everytime she lifted it an inch off the floor her ears would start to echo with her screams. Everytime she would blink she would shutter because all she could see in those few short seconds of darkness was the same scene over and over again. Her clothes had stiffened in the dry brown blood that had stained them five days before, and now they were starting to stink. How could life be so cruel? How could it allow her to feel so much pain in just a few short hours?"

To be continued????? Maybe...maybe not...


behindCLOSEDOORS. said...

Sister, this kinda relates to the way I was feeling in my past last year.