

Welp...its Lent season again! I must admit that is def one Christian tradition that I never forget about. This year I decided to give up two things cussing(for the 3rd yr in a row) and soda. And here's why...

Cussing: For those of you that dnt kno...I cuss like a sailor. No...the words aren't liberating and no I dnt cuss cuz its neccesary...I cuss simply because I WANT TO. And lately, I've been wanting to stop...not completely...but just its time to expand my vocabulary...I've been cussing since 4th grade. It's gonna be hard...I def wanted to let a few customers have it today at work...but I know I can do it...God's on my side.

Soda: So before I started giving up cussing for Lent, I was gioving up soda. Not all sodas thou...just Coke-Cola. When I tell you I am addicted to them...I used to drink like 3-4 cans A DAY. About 2 months ago now, I decided to cut back on my Coke drinking so now its time to slow dwn on the soads period. The funny thing about the soda issue though, is that when I was living on my own in ATL...I never bought soda for my apt. Unless it was Vault for this drink I make(ya'll shud really holla at me on tht 1) and when I bought a 2 liter of coke to help me pull an all-nighter. Of course when I went out to eat I had a soda but as for the house...all I had was juice and water. But I digress...I decided to quit soda just because I know how my body feels when I dnt drink so much of it and I know how my body feels when I do...I think I prefer my body without it.

For those of you that don't know much about Lent, you are supposed to give up something and in its place use the time, energy, whatever, to get closer to God. So whenever I feel a negative expletive slide to the tip of my tongue or want a nice cold soda...I stop, and pray it away. So I grow closer 1 prayer at a time.

Hope those of you that gave up something are fruitful in ur journey.