
A Moment Of Clarity...

There are very few times while I'm at school that I am allowed a moment of clarity. And usually they happen so suddenly and without warning that I usually waste them. But not 2nite.

Sooooo yesterday evening I let my frustrations get the best of me and "blew up" on a friend...and it's not that he didn't need to hear what I was upset about...but I could have appraoched the issue better...I guess. But anyway...back to my moment of clarity...I have come to realize that I simply want more than this world has to offer me. Which would explain my attitude and frustration towards my life and some of the people in it right now. Granted, I could always lower my expectations on life and then I would always be satisfied...but at what cost? I was always taught by my family that I am special and worth more than I even realize and that no matter the circumstance, I should NEVER lower my expectations to accomidate anyone or anything. So, I've decided to shoot for the stars...regardless of who's there with me or not.

So if u can't handle my greatness...step aside...maybe there's someone out there who can handle it...and is willing to take your place.