Random is the word ladies and gentlemen!
With that bein said...
Have you ever really thought about what would really happen if Obama wins the election? Def gonna be parties all over the place...I already kno I'm not goin to class the day after Election Day if he wins...that's a holiday! Lol. But have you really thought like about how crazy it would be if he DIDN'T win??? Madness!
I kno I am not the only one that thinks that Beyonce should sit down somewhere and relax...I mean...go have some kids or somethin...just stay out the spotlight for awhile...lemme miss you for a sec.
I also kno that I can't...absolutely CAN NOT be the only person that has realized that Janet Jackson does not need JD producing her albums! 20 Y.O. and Discipline...not good albums. Granted...I'ma tru Janet fan so I listen to her ish no matter what...but still...give a whole album I can get with...I'm really missin those Velvet Rope/Janet/All For You/Damita Jo days.
As much as I love One Tree Hill...isn't gettin a lil violent lately???? I mean kidnappings/break-ins/random shootings/beat downs...and we're only 5 episodes into the new season.
I'm tired of away messages.
"None taken you cankerous little prune..." Golden Girls is my shit. Lmao.
I want another massage...
If I don't get a part in this next play...I'm changing my major...Lol...naw...but I'ma be hella upset.
Bills...me no likie.
I love this commercial...
...2 fingers high...
Random Thoughts...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Daydreamers Please Wake Up...We Can't Sleep No More...
I am finally glad that the rest of the world is finally picking up on Janelle Monae! I've been dwn with her since my freshman year of college. I love her music...her beats are original and she has socially conscious lyrics. She used to be signed with Big Boi and The Purple Ribbon All-Stars but now Diddy has picked her up...let's just hope a part of her creative mind didn't die when she signed that contract. She seems to be doin alright so far the songs she putting out now are from her first album that's out already "Metropolis:The Chase". Soooooo check her out.
Notice the underlying beat in the background? Ring a bell to anyone? Well this may help you notice it...
Sound familiar now???? Yep...good ole Sesame Street. Lol.
But peep this song...has to be my favorite Janelle Monae song to date...I love rockin out in my room/apt/house to this on a regular...
...2 fingers high...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Only A Few Hours...
...till my bitches are back!
Forget Gossip Girl...me and these chicks been down since 12th grade.
...2 fingers high...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Due to triflin-ass niggas in CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY'S FINANCIAL AID OFFICE, I am broke...bored...and unable to attend most of the events during my LAST Homecoming...but I def kno I won't be able to go to my last Coronation Ball{I'm extremely teed about tht}. I have an issue of PRIDE. I hate when I'm unable to provide for myself...fiancially, these last two years of college have been hard for me due to the fact tht money goes out...but it doesn't come in steadily. Sure, I've had moments where I should have saved instead of spent...where I splurged instead of bargained...but people make mistakes...nd this time...it's not my fault. Which makes it even worse....the fact tht I have to depend on some incompetent, lazy ass worker who just isn't doing there job cuz they dnt feel like it...to pay my rent on time. Never have I not been able to pay my bills and by the time they decide to give me the $5,9-hundred-sumthin they owe me...I'm have to scramble to pay my bills before late fees are added. I still can't afford books for class...furniture for my apt..."real" groceries...all because I'm waitin on sum money tht should have been given to me a muthafreakin month ago!
I feel like someone has stripped me of my womanhood...nd I refuse to break down and call my parents to ask them for $100 just to tide me over for a week...not I...not never. Of course I cant get a job and work this semester...I got a full load of classes...an internship...nd all hrs after that are for extracirriculars...mainly plays{nd if I take those away...u might as well bury me now}
Well...on the brightside...I wanted to lose some weight...eatin pb&j and bologna sandwiches can help with the weight loss...nd I cnt afford to go out...so there's no excuse for me to not study...
So now I'm home on a Friday...again...watching the debate...1st candidate tht says "I'm here to help Jennifer Hill get her money from CAU as soon as possible" gets my vote.
...until next time...
P.S. I really need to find a signature ending and stick with it.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:54 PM 0 comments
I Wanna Learn How To Dance So Bad!!!!
Adri...u got me hooked on watchin this vids...
I'm takin a class ASAP!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 5:30 PM 1 comments
Krusty Krab Pizza Is the Pizza 4 U And Me...
...spongebob at his finest!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 4:48 PM 1 comments
The Return of My Keion-Boy...
So a friend of mine visited school today and was discussing his life post CAU. And I must say...I was extremely impressed. Not only did he have a PAID internship the summer after he graduated...but he also got a JOB offer when the summer was over. So now he's employed...living in a new city...and coming back to his alma mater to help them with recruiting...nd all of this is WITHOUT a graduate degree. Talk about dedication.
Lately I've been lowkey scared to start filling out my grad school apps cuz I know that then I'ma have to face the fact that another chapter in my life will soon be over. And as much as I am ready to be through with Clark(a sista can't take much more financial stress)...I'm not sure that I'm ready to start a new adult chapter in my life either. Luckily, I still have time to get myself together...but damn. GROWN. ON MY OWN. No more on mommy and daddy's billing...i'm not ready...but I betta get ready.
Grad apps I gotta fill out:
YALE School of Drama
A.C.T.(American Conservatory Theater)
NYU(Tisch Program for the Arts)
U/RTA App(General App for about 60 institutions that specialize in theater arts)
...time to get my letters of rec together...auditions are in January.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Schoolhouse Rock!!!
I kno I'm not the only person tht misses these!
...until next time...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:40 PM 0 comments
This Is Random As Hell...But Funny...
I still love Diddy tho.
...until next time...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Happy 2 Months Dwayne...
Play this as u read foo! Lol.
We've come
so far
Stars looking up at you baby.
My heart
belongs right here next to you baby
Where do I start?
Where should I begin?
Words cnt even express
But we're doin it again
You took my heart all those months ago
And my love for you still continues to grow
We've been through a lot 2gether
And you're still holdin me down
I get a smile on my face whenever you're around
I love to love you
And I hope things never change
My heart is in your hands
And I know tht you won't break it
Me and u?
Forever and a day?
I kno tht we can make it.
Soooo yeah...Lol...tht was corny as hell. But I wrote all tht to find an easier way to say...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE!!!! I know tht 2 months isn't a hard feat for us...we've been down this road before...but ur right...this time it's different. We're finally on the exact same page...and it feels goooooood. I love tht you kno me inside and out...and I kno yo ass. Lol. But anyways...I'm running outta words and you already kno how I feel...even though you don't mind hearing it again...*eye roll*. Haha...so like you...I'ma let the songs do the talking...

Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:16 PM 1 comments
I Love To Laugh...
And these vids sure do make me laugh!
R.I.P. B. Mac!
Nigga...where yo stache at???? Lmao.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Who's Gonna Save My Soul Now...
So my homeboy Jared was telling me how weird this video is...
....I agree. It's deep as hell tho...but that heart walking all over everybody's food...definitely isn't sanitary.
...until next time...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 1:02 AM 3 comments
I Got The Sweetest Love...
New song from Robin Thicke...can't wait for his new album "Somethin Else"! When I can find the lyrics I'll post them...but until then...enjoy!
Sweetest Love Lyrics
Why do people smile when no one’s smiling?
Its coz their thinking of someone they’re loving
Keep on believing we are meant to be and
Nothing’s stopping you and me from going to heaven.
Sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love ain’t nothing beating it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Now our clever(?) is about to inch just one ladder
It gets better every second we’re together
Oooh baby it feels so right
A new beginning starts tonight
The reason for when it’s on
Is because of you and me and
Sweetest love
Finally I can’t believe
Coz you and me, you’re my sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love ain’t nothing beating it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
Come on now, I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beating it
There ain’t nothing sweeter oh yeah
Now I got that feeling in my gut
Now I need your fire in my life
Now I wanna give you love so much
And I keep on feeling my sweet, my sweet
Sweetest love
I can’t believe that you and me, we gotta be
You’re my sweetest love
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter
[Sweetest Love Lyrics On http://www.elyricsworld.com/ ]
Come on now, I got the sweeter love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter ooohh
I got the sweetest love there ain’t nothing sweeter
I got the sweetest love can’t nothing beat it
There ain’t nothing sweeter (2x)
Sweetest love
I can’t believe, you and me, we gotta be
Oh my sweetest love
...until next time!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 12:51 AM 0 comments
Reporting 2 U Live 4rm Jazzman's...Nd Via SK...
Since 2day was my 1st day takin the train 2 school I got up extra early 2 make sure I was on time...I'm here an hr b4 class...guess I dnt have 2 wake up tht early{*Napolean Dynamite voice* yesssssss}. So anywho...I'm sittin n the school's resident "cafe" of sorts....Jazzman's...nd I'm people watching. So I figured I tell ya'll bout the interesting characters tht I have seen so far:
1st: Shout out to the girls on the Promenade tht obviously went 2 Thirsty Thursdays last nite...came home...went 2 bed n their clothes...got outta bed nd just went 2 class. Tht shit is not cute...nobody wants 2 c ur belly ring nd ur ass cheeks n American Lit or any other class 4 tht matter...hell I wudnt wanna c it n the club.
2nd: Shout out 2 the Super Super...Super Seniors!!!!!! U've been here since my freshman yr...I'm a senior now...my bad if u've had sum financial trouble...but if I've seen u every semester since I've started...wat the hell is the problem???
3rd: Shout out 2 Jazzman's 4 this bomb ass Strawberry Lemonade Smoothie...nd their White Chocolate Mochas{frozen}...nd their Strawberry Banana Smoothie...nd their Tuna Salad Sandwich...nd their Sweet Tea mixed w/Lemonade...yeah...I'm here a lot.
4th: Shout out 2 Tito 4 keepin the shuffle jerkin 2day! Nd 2 FSC...Flashdrive Swingin was on hit 2day.
5th: Shout out 2 th people tht r here early nd r gettin sum studyin on b4 class...I wud do the same thing but...senoritis is a helluva drug. Lol.
6th: This is ATL...there is no... repeat...ABSOLUTELY NO REASON 4 UR WEAVE 2 LOOK JACKED UP! NONE! All these "weaveologists" out here n all different price ranges...never shud ur weave look like a bird's nest.
Welpz...thts all I got time 4 now...guess I'ma b on time 4 class 2day...check back 4 sum more observations later!
...until next time...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 7:31 AM 0 comments
If U Got A Song In Ur Heart...Sing, Sing, Sing...
...or in my case...blog,blog,blog.
Put That On Everything
By Brandy
If your looking to find
A love that will stand till the end of time
Baby relax your mind my love is her
Ill do anything I swear
Id take the pain and the hurt
You wont know its there
Your wants would be nothing
I put that on everthing
I will pull a star out of the sky for you
Yes I would
To the edge of the earth
Ill go to see you
Yes its true
If you go anywhere
And Im not there
Just think on thoughts of love
And Ill appear
Before I dream
I lay and think of you every night
Honest to god
Im telling you the truth
I wish you could see
How much your presence means to me
You would love me so much
More each day
Ill walk for you
Through the desert heat
Ill climb the mountains highest peak
Illl swim forever in the deepest sea
Just for you this song I sing
For all the love and joy you bring
For you Ill try
To do the impossible things
...until next time...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Dedicated To My Hometown...
Hometown Glory Lyrics
By Adele
I've been walking in the same way as I do
Missing all the cracks in the pavement
And tutting my heel and strutting my feet
"Is there anything I can do for you dear? Is there anyone I could call?"
"No and thank you, please Madam. I ain't lost, just wandering"
Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Round my hometown
Ooh the people I've met
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of this world
Are the wonders of my world
I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque
I love to see everybody in short skirts, shorts and shades
I like it in the city when two worlds collide
You get the people and the government
Everybody taking different sides
Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit
Shows that we are united
Shows that we ain't gonna take it
Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit
Shows that we are united
Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Round my hometown
Ooh the people I've met
(Doo/Oh/Yeah adlibs)
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of this world
Are the wonders of my world
Of my world - yeah
Of my world
Of my world - yeah

Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:49 PM 0 comments
My Nephew...
So over the summer i took my nephew Allen to the park with my sis and my cuz here's the video from tht eventful trip...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:31 PM 0 comments
My New Apartment...
So... a new school year brings a new apartment...and this year it's off campus :)!
Here's wat it looks like:
And check the view of Downtown ATL:
Welpz...thts it! I'll update the pics of my apt as me and my roommate decorate!
Until next time!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Man I Miss SYTYCD...
And this is why!
...tht is all 4 now!
P.S. OTH 2nite...o shit...if u missed it...hang ur head in shame!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:25 PM 0 comments