...till grad school auditions.
I'm not nervous yet....last piece of advice my teacher told me was "don't fuck up." Lol...thanx Ms. Bell.
All I can do is keep my *fingers crossed*.
O...and please believe...next weekend...I'm gettin TURNT everyday...and Idc if I'm doin it by myself.
1 More Day...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:30 PM 0 comments
I've been playin this album allllllllll day...every song is my shit.
Musiq Soulchild - On My Radio (2008)
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:29 PM 0 comments
My Boy Dooooooooooooooooog!!!!!!!
This had to be one of my fav shows growing up!
Way to pay homage to ur roots.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 4:31 PM 0 comments
I Hate This Part Right Here...
-Woke up to 1 yr old Jayden at 8am
-Hw was done by 10am
-Laughed, talked, and played with Jayden, Kelly(the roommate) and Adrienne(Jayden's mom)
-Went to McDonald's...bought a #1 with a Coke
-Worked on my monologues while playing Venus 7's "Primer" album
-Did over 50 situps...I just lost count after 50
-Drank water
-Took a vitamin
-Called moms
-Left a message with my Hunny Bunny
-Aimed the hubby
-Hit the hay at 12:30am
...I had to hit the lowest of low b4 I could start to rebuild...the building has begun.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Waking Up 2 Reality...
[[Post-Script]]:My language is mad...real.
Once again I had to suspend Drake from the page 4 a brief moment...
Nd just so ya'll kno...I'm about to vent some real heavy shit rite now so if you don't feel like reading...u might wanna just bounce...the fuck am I kidding...nobody reads this shit anyway...
So basically...last Sunday, I woke and realized tht I'm 21 and life isn't the rosey perfection everybody made it out to be, and today...I realized tht life SUCKS...hard. Everyday this week it's been sum new shit for me to get over. Every damn DAY! No lie...I literally woke...was probably happy for like a hour...nd then sum shit happened to me to make go "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck". And yeah...realistically the stuff thts happened isn't really tht serious...they haven't been life threatening{but the bout with food poisoning did make me wanna die for a sec.}...but at the same time...when u have new shit happen to u everyday to set u back...tht shit can be pretty damn depressing. Nd honestly...I've let it infect my mind.
I'm still afraid to step into my future
I'm broke as hell...and getting broker
My hair is falling out...stress is a bitch
My comp caught a virus so all my shit is now gone...I backed up the majority but I cudnt save everything
I hate the white walls of my apartment
I feel like I'm being a bad girlfriend...even though my bf would dispute this
I'm tired of doin shit for other people
I'm sick of school...the last damn semester I'm here
I miss my gmoms...severely
I just spent 70 bones 2 fix my comp...nd the shit took 3 mins to fix
My room is a mess...and I dnt care
I feel like I'm living my life for everyone else's satisfaction at the moment
The only place I really wanna be right now is with my bf in bed sleep...but I cnt do tht cuz thts no way to live
I miss my smile
I need a blunt...but since I dnt smoke I dnt have any easy weed connects...nd even if I did...I cnt afford any
CAN I LIVE???????
Seriously! I dnt even have the strength/motive/feeling/emotion to cry right now...thts how fucked up I am.
Guess ya'll in luck...it's not tht long...ya'll still ain't readin this shit.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Happy 6 Months Dwayne!!!! Yesterday...
Due to a unplanned case of food poisoning yesterday(see previous blog)...I wasn't able to post this blog entry like I wanted to yesterday.
Sooooooooooooooooooooo....HAPPY 6 MONTHS DWAYNE!!!!!!! I cnt believe tht we've been together 4 half a year already! Swear it feels like 4ever! I miss u so freakin much already! All I do is think about u...literally. Ur my 1st thought when waking up and the last thought I have b4 I go to bed. I seriously don't kno what path my life would be on if you weren't there for me every single step of the way. You give my life a whole different and deeper meaning...u make every single love song on my iTunes make sense...without you I'd be a much meaner person...lol. And given all tht I've been thru the past week...I'm glad tht I have u by my side to keep me sane. Ur my "get right when it's wrong"...the President to my 1st Lady(lol)...the sugar honey to my iced tea...and I LOVE U.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Word To Thee Wise...
Never eat Frozen Popcorn Shrimp 4rm Target!!!!!
So here's my tale of woe...
So on Monday I went to Target with my cuz and saw this box of Target brand Popcorn Shrimp...me being the fatty tht I am said "yummmm" nd bought the box. So Tuesday night after the Inaguration Ball I was all happy and excited and figured I wud celebrate by eating the shrimp...so I heated it up...following precisely the directions on the box. So I'm watching Bad Girls Club while eating the shrimp and after I ate the first one...I was like "hmmmmmm..." but I continued to eat the 3 handfuls I had cooked. Everything was cool...until I woke up.
Wednesday morning...the day tht I am in class all day 4rm 9am-7:30pm, I wake up with this strange feeling in my stomach...I wasn't too sure which end it was gonna come out of...if u catch my drift. So of course it comes out the usual way but afterwards I still felt horrible...so at tht point I knew...so I told my roommate and she made me drink some Ginger Ale and made me some toast. So in the midst of me drinking and eating I'm still getting ready to go to school cuz I cudnt miss tht much class...so if I didn't barf...then I was goin to class. Welpz...I barfed...bad. And if u kno me...u kno tht just the thought of barfing makes me sick. But after I did tht I felt better so I decided to go to school against my roommates advice. I was fine the 1st 20 mins of class...but after tht...my whole body got super sore and since I had nothing on my stomach, tht just made it worse. So after I suffered thru my 2nd class, I called my roommate and asked her to come get me so tht I could go home.
So I get home....warm up some Chicken Noddle soup....and take the longest nap ever...only to wake up still sore and now with chills. So I take the warmest bath ever with some Epsom Salt....compliments of my roommate. But of course I forget tht taking a hot bath trains the liquids out of your body and since I was already low on liquids already form earlier events...I damn near pass out getting out the tub due to dehydration. The good news however...was tht my back no longer hurt. So I drank some more water and ate some more soup...and went to bed early...but of course I went thru bouts of dehydration throughout the night...waking up in cold sweats and having to drink water. Turns out I had a mid case of food poisoning.
Today...I'm feeling better...I'd say about 85%...but I'm still scared to eat real foods...for fear of barfing....hopefully I'll b 100 by 2morrow...I got a lot to do.
Shoutouts to my roommate tho! She hung in there with me like a true roommate...I def wouldn't have made it without her.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:28 PM 0 comments
4 U R Miiiiiiiiiine...
Shoutout to all my West Coast folks...I saw it live[;-)].
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:25 PM 0 comments
My President Is Black...
Yesterday, I celebrated the life of a teacher...
Today, I celebrate the life of an inspiration...
Tomorrow, I will celebrate my future.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:11 AM 0 comments
*R.I.P.*...Ms. Carol Mitchell-Leon...
Yeah...I've been pretty messed up 2day...I kno she's in a better place and I'm glad she's not suffering anymore...but damn...
She taught me how to live and enjoy life....nd in some ways...I haven't been...well tht all ends now...
I'm living, loving, learning, and laughing harder than I ever have...hopefully I can impact half as many lives as she did in her life in mine.
Love you.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:29 PM 1 comments
Adri You're Gonna Love This Song...
"Thirsty" by Cassie...so thought of u my nigg!!!! Check the lyrics!
Thirsty [LB] - Cassie
Thirsty, ah
Thirsty, ah
Picture this while you drive
On the late night, over here
You're in the desert, tryin to survive
But it's hot out there
All alone, by yourself
Wondering each mile when will it be over
Run out of breath and you need my help
(Now you say that you're thirsty)
You're thirsty, so thirsty
It's not my fault
You had a glass waiting for you but you ain't come
That's how you feel, what you want
Then you shouldn't try to front
Kept it real, told me that
Now you're trying to get me back, oh
You're so thirsty, you're so thirsty, oh
Come and get me, come and get me
Let it drip down your mouth
I'ma tease you, show you what you've been missing
Make it a night
I'll let you get another sip
Appreciate what you get
Cause for someone who act like he ain't want it
No, I ain't forget
You're beggin me to give you this
(Now you say that you're thirsty)
You're thirsty, so thirsty
It's not my fault
You had a glass waiting for you but you ain't come
That's how you feel, what you want
Then you shouldn't try to front
Kept it real, told me that
Now you're trying to get me back, oh
Ooo I've got you dreamin'
Wishin' you was in my deep end
Here we could be fully submerged
Mmm, I think about it
I doubt it, should make you live without it
And keep you dying of thirst
I'm just playing with you
You're thirsty, so thirsty
It's not my fault
You had a glass waiting for you but you ain't come
That's how you feel, what you want
Then you shouldn't try to front
Kept it real, told me that
Now you're trying to get me back, oh
You're so thirsty, you're so thirsty, oh
Come and get me, come and get me
Posted by Ms. Hill at 7:59 PM 1 comments
I don't kno what to say or how to feel right now...
*R.I.P.* Ms. Leon!!!!!!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Invictus Pt.1...
"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed..."
For the last 2 days, I have sat in my apartment all day...and done nothing. Absolutely...nothing. Not a bit of homework...no work on my monologues...just watched tv...surfed the net...and stared at my walls. For the past week, the subject of my future has been all I can think about...nd I have no answers. Going into college i had it all figured out. I had a plan "A-F"...after my junior year I didn't wanna come home for the summer{although I'm glad I did} because i wanted to hurry up and start my senior year and get it over with...last semester I couldn't wait to get it over with so tht I would be one semester closer to graduating. But as Winter Break came closer and closer to a close, I found myself not ready to leave...nd now tht I'm here, all I can think about is going back home.
So this morning I woke up...nd had an epiphany. Well kinda...I realized tht I'm starting to have cold feet.Fact of the matter is...I'm scared. i don't know what the future holds...its a big world out there...nd some people are ready to kick my ass, while others are ready to embrace it. I've already made simple mistakes tht will def mess up certain plans tht I had for the future...but thts ok...what's done is done. But this morning as I was watching an episode of "OTH", I remembered the poem "Invictus" by William Henley...nd I got inspired...I got up...did 50 sit-ups{cuz I'm working on having a flat stomach by March}...showered...and planned for a trip to Target with my cuz to get some things to brighten my room{cuz white walls are not helping my situation or my sanity}...nd just basically pull myself out of my slump nd get it together...I refuse to have a semester as drab as last year.
That was the plan...
As I was waiting for my cuz to tell me that he was on his way to get me, my friend Jared called me asking if I wanted to go see our old teacher Ms. Leon...cuz it might be the last time we see her. So I cancelled my Target trip and went to the hospital. I really don't like hospitals...nd cnt even remember the last time I was in one...if ever to visit someone. Walking dwn those halls is so scary and depressing...not to mention seeing all the sick people nd...it just freaks me out. So once we get to her room nd I see her....if any of you have seen a dying person up close u know how I'm feeling right now. she hadn't eaten in 2 days cuz her feeding tube keeps getting infected...she had a high fever...she was laying on her side and couldn't roll over...she couldn't talk...but you could tell thru her facial reactions to us tht she was trying so hard to communicate with us...it was just...wow. To see a person tht you knew to always be so full of life dying...is too tragic for words. I couldn't even talk when I first entered her room...I couldn't even look her in her eyes...it immeadately made me think of my grandmother and her last days and how I wasn't there to share them with her because I was afraid...and in a way I was glad tht I had another opportunity to face my fears.
As I was leaving her hospital...I realized tht Ms. Leon never once taught me to not face my fears. I remembering doing a monologue in her acting class and her trying to pull "more" out of me. After class I told her that I was on the verge of tears while trying to "give more" but I pulled back and didn't go there. When I told her that...she looked at me and said "well why didn't you? Acting is about takes risks and being vulnerable...not about being safe. Safe actors don't get work." These words started to and still are echoing thru my mind...for the past few months...I've been safe. I've been making safe choices and not taking chances...I've been hiding behind my relationships with my boyfriend and my friends...because they're safe. I have security. I know tht no matter what they're there and they love me. But just because I step out of my comfort zone doesn't mean that I'm not safe. I mean...look at me and Clark for example...I came out her on my own...no family to help me...no close friends...I wasn't even really sure if I wanted to be here...but look at me now...I have great friends...done great things...I'm on the E-Board of two different organizations...and I've grown a lot as a person...I just need to make that leap.
And I think I'm finally ready to prepare myself...
"Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:43 PM 0 comments
The Isley Brothers...
Occasionally, I have moments when my heart calls for a certain artist. Stevie Wonder for example, will make my soul cry and my spirit feel good at random times. I could be walking and just feel the urge to put on Stevie and just be in the zone for hrs. I dnt know why his happens...I think it has something to do with my parents playing this music around me all the time when I was little. I don't even know the names of half the old school songs I listen to...but I can sing every word. Nd even though I cnt remember the 1st time I heard the song...I'm always filled with a certain past hppiness tht makes me feel good...I kno ya'll kno what I'm talkin bout. Like idk...like when I hear "Faded Pictures" by Case and Joe, it always takes me back to 6th grade and my 1st crush...and all of a sudden all those feelings come rushing back until the song is over...
Well anyway, I got up this morning and had the urge to play The Isley Brothers...so I'm on their myspace page...cuz like I said...I dnt kno the titles to all their songs...so my iTunes collection is not tht hot as far as they are concerned right now...but I'm listening...this is gonna sound weird...but I can feel my soul smiling. Like it just takes me back to Cali summers of old....like when I was in elementary school...and school had just let out...and it was hot...but there was a nice breeze flowin thru the air...and u just felt carefree...and didn't really wanna do anyhting yet cuz u knew u had 2 months of summer left...just remembering the calm I felt...
But I'ma stop now cuz my roomate is telling me I have like a whole anecdote for The Isley Brothers music...lol. Seriously tho...what music makes ya'll feel like tht?
Nd here's some of my fav Isley Brothers songs for ur listening enjoyment...
The Isley Brothers
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Beyonce...Barack and Michelle...
So apparently our "Queen Bey" is singing for Barack and Michelle's first dance as Prez nd 1st Lady...
...hmmmmm...how shud I approach this gently...
...{scratches head while thinking}...
Ok...at this point you all kno how I feel abt Bey and her "I Am...Sascha Fierce" debacle{she's a drag queen...blah, blah, blah....}...so with tht said....all I wanna kno is...WAS THERE NOONE ELSE AVAILABLE?!??!?!?! I mean seriously! Why not Alicia Keys? Why not Tamia? Why not John Legend? Or Brian McKnight? Hell...u mean to tell me Diddy ass didn't have enough pull to get every artist on Bad Boy to perform{ok tht 1 was just ignorance on my part}? But what about Robin Thicke???? Or why not...and this is just me thinkin here...I'm sure tht the Obamas are fans of what we like to call "Old School R&B"...why didn't they get a old chool artist to perform???? I dnt kno about ya'll, but I personally would like to see Barack and Michelle gettin down to "Would You Mind" by Earth, Wind, nd Fire...or "All This Love" or "I Like It" by DeBarge{ok well they're all a lil iffy}...but no Patti LaBelle? Or Anita Baker? I'm just sayin...
Annnnnnnnnd...Beyonce is singin "At Last"!!!!! WTF? She's not even singing her own shit! If thts the case....Etta James isn't dead...why she cnt sing her own song???? Dnt get me wrng...I'm sure their 1st dance is gonna be beautiful no matter who sings it...but I wud much rather prefer to see their dance...and not watch them competing with the entertainment during their 1st dance...*smfhT*
I'm done ranting for now.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:53 AM 2 comments
I don't care what anybody says...CASSIE GOES HARD!
Check her new song...I'm lovin it...and apparently...she's been workin on her voice.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 10:04 PM 1 comments
The Roomster Made Spaghetti...
So u aleady kno I'm eatin bioooooootch!!!!!
...and o yeah...I'm sooooo glad I'm back with my cable so I can watch bball games!!!!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 7:04 PM 0 comments
I Miss U Guys Already...
These are he kinda convos we have when half of uare drunk...nd the other half is sober....lmmfao.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 6:23 PM 3 comments
I Don't Wanna Leave...
...but I gotta go right now...
"The time has come for me to go
I had so much fun entertaining u
Till the nxt time or till the nxt show
I'll see u
When I see u..."
I will be the 1st one to admit...I SUCK at goodbyes. Horribly...just absolutely, completely, positively horrible at em.Ususally I'm ready to leave...cnt wait to gt school started...but this time...I could go at least another week. But this has been one of thee best Winter Breaks I've ever had...I've never been happier. Hopefully I'll be better once school starts.
So with that said...here's my Winter Break shoutouts:
FSC{ya'll kno who ya'll r}:Ya'll some pretty cool dudes...I can see why Dwayne talks about ya'll so much...lol. Keep stayin true to ya'll selves and each other...ya'll friendship is def admirable..thanx for welcoming me as a sis-in-law:)
Adri,Jazz, and Alex: I love u guys!!!! My drinkin buddies!!!! My new BFF's!!! Lol...love you girls. Adri and Jazz thanx for letting me roll with ya'll over this past year...ya'll always have me rollin...and ur the best to party with! Alex!!!!!! who knew you were so much fun drunk? Lol...jk...you're cool...nd your the only person that knos exactly what I go thru with Todd cuz u go thru it with Ron...lol. We are all gonna most def have to hit a club when I get back.
Day,Kalii, and C. Stubbs{nd Amen 2}: Ya'll my niggs 4 life. Day watch these streets...make sure u dnt get arrested again for havin braces{lmao}...Kalii keep doin your thing...whatever the hell that is{jk}...just keep your eyes on the prize and you'll make it...nvr give up! C.Stubbs...I appreciate u!!!!! Lol...thanx for the job 3 yrs ago...ha. Stay tryna keep these young ones off the streets{so long as they dnt interrupt our kickback spot sucka!}I'll b callin u{haha}...nd u betta b in ATL come May. Amen...just stay focused...Lol.
BFF and Dell: I got ya'll and with the bones this summer 4sho!
Last but definitely not least...
Dwayne:I miss u so much already! U made my Winter Break the most enjoyable thing ever! Thanx for being there everytime I needed 2 vent...wanted to practice driving...wanted to go on a roadtrip...nd just chill. Thanx for truley making me see that absence only makes us stronger and that you will always have my back. Leavin u again....was def one of the hardest things I had to do...but I know that u'll be there when I get back and u already kno that I'ma always come back to u sooooooooo...I love u babe.
To everybody I missed...my bad...dnt worry...I'll be back this summer...nd we gonna party like I nvr left!
"...so...as I taxi down another runway...I gotcha! Who loves ya babe?"
Posted by Ms. Hill at 2:39 AM 0 comments
I Am Too Thru With Myself...
I had no idea this vid was on my youtube account...lol...my 1st snowball fight...this vid is over a year old...lol...my accent is ridiculous!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 8:31 PM 0 comments
They Always Make Me Smile...
Chillin with the neice Raven and the nephew Devin...
Watchin "Wow Wow Wubbzy"...lol
Boxing on the Wii...
Posted by Ms. Hill at 7:59 PM 0 comments
My teacher put me on to this guy{who just happens to be her cuz} about a year ago nd everytime I listen to his music I'm left wanting more...in a good way.
His name is Josiah Bell...dnt kno to much about him...but apparently he's an indeoendent artist in Nashville....check his myspace{here} and his imeem{here}...yeah...he's pretty dope...here's a couple of my fav songs of his...
next 2 you (demo) - Josiah Bell
You Mean the World - Josiah Bell
...and there's a song on his myspace called "Farewell Goodbye"....great.
And o yeah ladies...did I mention he's a cutie...check him out...

Me and my friends had a bet on who would get to be his gf...lol.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 9:32 AM 0 comments
For Real...
[[Post-Script]]: Since I took the song off the blog page...I put it on the post.
For Real - Amel Larrieux
Had to retire Drake from the page for a sec...just a split sec...cuz I'm really diggin the tune that's playing right now. For those of you that dnt kno it{how cud u not} the info on it is on the imeem player.
But anyway...have you ever felt like you were in a battle that you were gonna lose BEFORE it even got started? Yeah...I'm kinda feeling that way right now...even though I kno that there is no reason for the battle it's there...nd to win...I'd have to fight dirty...but I'm too REAL for that...I kno that I'm the best candidate for the position...but I gotta battle anyway...and I'ma lose...so why fight and jepordize my realness...I'm throwin in the towel on tht one NOW...get it?
...countdown to ATL...6 days.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 12:42 AM 0 comments
From The Blackberry...
Basically,I'm trying something new nd blogging 4rm my Blackberry! Dnt worry...nothing is wrong with my comp...just bored at work. I have been here alllllll day which is coo...cuz I get paid 2 do nuthin...but it can get pretty boring...all I did 2day was order pizza...watch a Magic School Bus tape nd talk on the fone...I coulda done all tht 4rm bed.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 4:15 PM 0 comments
I was looking thru my old blogs on myspace and came across this one...wrote it a lil over a year ago...
I believe that hard work does pay off.
I believe that their IS a blessing in every storm.
I believe that there is a GOD and that without HIM I would be nothing.
I believe that all true friends must go through a trying time apart to realize how much they need each other.
Contrary to popular belief, I believe that TRUE Hip-hop is NOT dead.
I believe that my cat is the cheapest thearapist I'll ever have =).
I believe that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.
I believe that love is meant to be shared...even if it isn't necessarily reciprocated.
I believe that life is precious and should never be taken for granted.
I believe that my future is so bright...the stars are jealous of me. *tee-hee*
I believe that friends are GOD's little angels
I believe in BFF's {That 1 was 4 u RSH ;)}
I believe that some underground artists are much better than three-fourths of mainstream artists {shouts 2 Mulatto, Venus 7, FSC, Lite, Janelle Monae, and Scar}
I believe in the power of the universe...and the little hints it likes to surprise us with from time to time. :)
I believe in COLORS.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and that nothing is by coincidence.
I believe that some people are meant to be in your life...no matter how hard you try to shake them;).
I believe that my body is a canvas...and I can have as many tattoos and piercings as I damn well please.
I believe that regardless of the number of tattoos and piercings I have, my body is still a beautiful work of art.
I believe in making new friends.
I believe that this time, it's gonna be different.
And lastly...
I believe in MIRACLES.
If you haven't guessed already, affirmations are just beliefs that one has come to realize/accept as their life progresses...it's funny, I still believe all of these to be true. But looking at these does open my eyes to the person I was when 08 began and compare that to the person I was when 08 ended. Even though only a year has passed....I can still see the difference in myself...I was so full of hope and certainty then...so headstrong and refused to give up...no matter the circumstance...or the other person's response to my actions. I've noticed that now I'm so quick to let things slide because of material matters...I've allowed myself to become overcome with DOUBT in myself when it comes to certain areas of my life. I'm really having a hard time dealing with this whole idea of life "post-college graduation". For the past few years I've been so sure abt what path my life was gonna take...but now as the actual moment approaches...I'm unsure. I've been hating this feeling of uncertainty that has become my life leaving it all up to fate. In a year where I am destined to do great things because of the moves I've made the past few years leading up to this year...any choice I make or path I choose will be a good one...I'm just ready to kno now.
Posted by Ms. Hill at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Welcome To 09...
Well I def brought 09 in riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!! Nuthin like bein turnt with friends old and new. And I was with my love! If last nite is any indication of how the rest of 09 is gonna be...I can't wait!
As previously stated...here is my recap of 08...
So lemme just start by saying that 08 was def thee fastest year of my life! I mean seriously...I remember Jan 1st,2008 like it was yesterday.
In 08 I...
-Turned 21{finally!}
-Did 3 shows
-Started my senior year of college{4 more months to go!}
-Had a cool internship with a bomb ass theatre company
-Made new friends
-Got rid of sum excess baggage
-Reconnected with old friends
-Got turnt{a few times}
-Saw ALOT of movies
-Moved into my first apartment
-Got back together with Dwayne
-Laughed super hard
-Loved even harder
-And tried to not take every moment I had with people that I love for granted
I'm sure I did a whole lot of other things...but the year went by so fast I cnt remember everything..lol.
So for the past 2 years, I've made a list of resolutions that were basically things about myself tht I felt that I needed to improve on. Well this year, I really can't think of anything that I really need to desperately improve on, but I have come up with a short list of things that I want to accomplish in 09:
-Get into grad school
-Keep my relationship with Dwayne going strong
-Figure out life after graduation
-Make more money
-Spend more time with my friends
-Workout more
And lastly...Take care of my star player!!!!!
Dates I'm Looking Forward To In 09:
-May 18,2009...day I graduate from college{I'm outta here baby!}
-July 21,2009...one year with Dwayne
...and there's many more...
...and to everybody turnin 21{cuz it's alot of ya'll} get ready...cuz we'll be gettin overly turnt everytime! Lol
Lol...well...I think thats it for right now...so goodbye 08...you weren't as bad as you could have been...but here's to hoping 09 is even better!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Happy 2009!!!!
Happy 2009 everybody!!!!
Hope you all had a great and safe New Years!!!! I kno I did!
Celebrated it with friends new and old and with my love...couldn't have asked for more.
I'll probably do another blog listing my resolutions/resolution for this year later as well as a recap of 08. But right now I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
Posted by Ms. Hill at 4:23 PM 0 comments